Current appeal - Our Dolphins

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Our dolphins need your help.

Do you recall, like me, the very first time you spotted a dolphin jumping through the water or swimming alongside a boat?  My children shout and point excitedly every time they see one in the water.  They are truly one of nature’s joyous miracles!

Well right now in South Australia they need people like you and me to stand up to protect them. Are you with me on this?

‘Common’ dolphins are often found further offshore than bottlenose dolphins, and have a playful, curious and gregarious nature, often bow-riding freely off boats, proudly showing off their fawn coloured side patches and sleek profiles.

There has been a lot of press about the damage wreaked on dolphins, seals and whale sharks from supertrawlers like the Geelong Star (previously named PV Margiris). We’ve helped raise attention and push for change as part of the Stop the Trawler Alliance.  

Less well known is the impact on protected marine species from the South Australian shark and sardine fisheries. Sadly, common dolphins have had significant mortalities from all three..

Much of our effort has focused on the SA sardine (pilchard) fishery.  A decade ago, major concerns were raised about a large number of dolphin deaths from their fishing boats. 

Thankfully, things have improved since then.  The fishery believes that this issue is now sorted. However, we’re far from convinced.

So, your Conservation SA has been working hard, largely out of the public eye, to create change.  We recently held a Public Forum at the Joinery, along with detailed discussions with the sardine industry and the relevant state government department to progress things further.

Both the meeting and the Forum were constructive. However, despite our efforts and some progress we believe there are still some serious gaps that must be addressed. 

If you think this killing of dolphins needs to stop, you can help by financially supporting us to continue this work - can you donate today?

An upcoming Federal Government assessment of the fishery and its management is our best opportunity yet to get dolphin impacts fully addressed for the first time. We need your help to ensure our voice for the dolphins remains strong in the lead up to this critical period to the end of June, and in the months following the assessment process.

You can help Conservation SA stand up for sensible and responsible measures to protect our dolphins.  

Our dolphins will be forever thankful and so will we.

Craig Wilkins

Chief Executive

PS – What strange names we sometimes give our fellow creatures?! Our Common’ Dolphins are anything but ‘common’.  They need our help. 

PPS At the end of this financial year, please give us a gift to support our work and make sure they are protected.  The exciting news is right now there is a real opportunity to make a difference. (donations over $2 are tax deductible). 

Who's donating

Who's donating: from Fitzroy, Australia donated. Thank you!

Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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